This research is a pre-experimental type of quantitative research which aims to determine the description of the motivation to learn Indonesian for class IV students at SDN 216 Talungeng, Bone Regency and the influence of fun story apperception on the motivation to learn Indonesian for class IV students. The variables in this research are fun story apperception (independent variable) and student learning motivation (dependent variable). The population in this study was 28 class IV students. The sampling technique in this research used non-probability sampling in the form of saturated sampling. Research data was obtained by distributing questionnaires describing student learning motivation. The data collection techniques used were pre non test and post non test. The data analysis technique is descriptive and inferential analysis. The results of this research were that before giving the fun story apperception the pre non test results obtained by students tended to be low with an average (mean) of 56.32 and after giving the fun story apperception the students' post non test results increased with an average (mean) of 72.00. The conclusion of this research is that there is a significant influence on motivation to learn Indonesian before and after giving fun story apperception to class IV students at SDN 216 Talungeng, Bone Regency
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