Author Responsibilities: For the Global Journal Pendidikan Dasar, papers should attempt to present research, innovations, theoretical and/or practical insights in relevant current literature and debates. Submitted manuscripts should only be in Indonesian or English.
All submissions should be sent via OJS as a Word file with doc extension and maximum 4MB (do not use docx extention).
A manuscript should be no more than 10.000 words; this limit includes figures, references, and tables. This does not impose an absolute page limit on manuscripts; longer manuscripts of merit can be published in the journal. The abstract should be between 100 and 200 words.
Authors should be aware that they are addressing an international audience. Articles should present original work and, where appropriate, should acknowledge any significant contribution of others. Manuscripts submitted to PE for review should not have been accepted for publication elsewhere. As an author, you are required to secure permission if you want to reproduce any figure, table, or extract from the text of another source. This applies to direct reproduction as well as "derivative reproduction" (where you have created a new figure or table which derives substantially from a copyrighted source).
The corresponding author should always be willing to participate in the peer review process and obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes. A list of references should be included in the submitted paper. Grant/financial support should be stated in the paper if available. All authors are expected to contribute significantly to the research.
Page style: Articles should be typed in 12-point font on A4 page, paginated and single-spaced. Margins should be set as top & bottom: 2 cm and left & right 3 cm. The title should be followed by an abstract of 100 to 200 words and 3 to 7 keywords. Footnotes should be avoided and endnotes kept to a minimum. All pages should be numbered.
References: Paper format including references should follow American Psychological Association (APA) (6th Edition) style. Do not use non-English and non-indonesian titles or characters.
The manuscript should be the following criteria:
Title | Straightforward, informative, and represents the contents of the article. |
Abstract | Concise but at least contain the problem, purpose, method, instrument and data analysis, important findings, and implications of the research. |
Keywords | Searchable by search engine, truly represents the intention of research. 3 to 7 keyword is recommended. |
Introduction | Directing the reader about the importance of the research. Presenting significant problems, a clear state of the art, gap analysis, and novel concepts to fill the gaps. End it with the purpose of research. |
Method | Clear and replicable. Reveals how research objectives are achieved with the appropriate tools, procedures, and stages. |
Results | Presenting experimental or survey data, |
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