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Guidelines for the author of the manuscript can be described as follows.
Scientific Article Structure
In general, the structure of scientific articles research results and non-research scientific articles is relatively the same. In the non-research article there is no method part. The structure of the research articles consists of 10 main parts, namely: (a) title (b) line ownership; (c) abstract; (d) keywords; (e) introduction; (f) methods; (9) results and discussion; (h) conclusions; (i) acknowledgments and (j) bibliography. The structure of non-research scientific articles are divided into 9 main parts namely: (a) title; (b) own line; (c) abstract; (d) keywords; (e) introduction; (f) discussion; (g) conclusion; (h) thanks and (i) bibliography. Each section is given an explanation as follows.
a) Title
1) The title should be concise and informative, with no more than 12 words, including the liaison. For a title to be short and succinct in 12 words, avoid connecting words and mentioning objects, places or research materials in great detail.
2) The title contains the key words of the topic under study.
3) Times New Roman 14 type font, with single line spacing.
4) Title in Indonesian or English, in accordance with the language used in the manuscript.
5) Avoid using abbreviations, formulas and referrals.
b) Ownership lines (authorship lines)
1) The ownership row consists of two parts, namely author names and author institutional affiliation.
2) The institutional affiliation of the student follows the place where the student is studying.
3) The names of authors should be those who actually participate in planning, execution, analysis of results, discussion, and report writing.
4) The academic / functional or bachelor degree must not be included.
5) The name of the institution is listed in full to the country's name, written under the name of the author and the postal address, email and facsimile (if any) for correspondence purposes.
6) If the author is more than one person and comes from a different institutional, then all addresses are listed by giving a superscript letter mark starting from a at the back of the author's name in sequence.
7) The name of the corresponding author is given an asterisk (*).
c) Abstract
1) Abstract is written in summary and factual, covering research objectives, research methods, results and conclusion.
2) Abstracts are written in one paragraph; Written in two languages ​​(Bahasa Indonesia and or Bahasa Inggris); Abstract length ranges from 150 - 200 words.
3) Avoid unusual referrals and use of abbreviations.
d) Keywords
1) Keywords consist of 3 to 5 words and / or word groups.
2) Written in alphabetical order
3) Between keywords separated by semicolons (;).
4) Avoid many connecting words (and, with, that and others).
E) Introduction
1) Avoid the sub-sub in the introduction.
2) The introduction should contain the background of problems, problems and research objectives.
3) Percentage of page length between 10-15% of the total length of a manuscript.
4) References are indicated by writing the author's family name / last name and year of issue, regardless of page number. The foundation of theory is presented in complete, concise, and completely relevant sentences for the purpose of writing scientific articles.
f) Research Methods
1) Inform briefly about the materials and methods used in the research, including the subjects / materials studied, the tools used, the design of the experiment or the design used, the sampling technique, the variables to be measured, the data retrieval technique, the analysis and the statistical model Used.
2) Avoid writing excessive statistical formulas.
3) If using a well-known method, name the method name only. If necessary, mention the reference source used as a reference.
4) For qualitative research, research methods can adjust.
g) Results and Discussion
1) The format of the results of research and discussion is not separated, given the number of pages available for the author is limited.
2) The results can be presented with support tables, graphics or images as needed, to clarify the presentation of results verbally.
3) Tables and charts or captions are arranged in the form of a phrase (not a sentence) succinctly.
4) Description of the image / graph placed under the image / graph, while the title of the table placed on it. The title begins with a capital letter. The example can be seen in Figure 4.1.
8) Referral cited in the discussion should not be too long (if necessary avoid).
9) Citation results of research or opinions of others should be abstracted and written in sentences jealous (not using the exact same sentence).
10) A collection of similar research can be referred to in groups.
h) Conclusion
1) The conclusion should be the answer to the research question, and expressed not in statistical sentences.
2) Written along one paragraph in essay form, not in numerical form.
i) Acknowledgments
1) Acknowledgments are generally placed after the conclusion.
2) Contains gratitude to the funding agencies, and or individuals who have assisted in the execution of research and writing of manuscripts.
j) References
General provision of bibliography:
1) The references listed in the bibliography are only those references that are actually quoted in the manuscript.
2) For research articles, references are referenced from about 10-15 articles in scientific journals. While non-research articles have at least referenced 15 scientific articles.
3) Updates of referenced scientific journals shall be considered, at least as a result of relevant publications in the last 10 years.
4) The bibliography is arranged alphabetically in alphabetical order of the author's name.
5) Author's name: the name shown is the final name (surname) of the author followed by the initial (and middle) name abbreviation if any). If the author is more than one person, then the way of writing is the same.
6) The writing of the reference title begins with a capital letter only at the beginning of the sentence.
7) Any writing of name, year, title of the article and
Terms of referral writing by reference type:
Contains a list of actual readings and contains only reference sources that are used only and must follow the systematics as described above. References are expected to be 85% of the most recent published books or scientific journals published in the last 10 years. The higher the referenced primary library the better and the better the article is, the more often the authors refer to themselves (self citation) will be able to reduce the priority of periodic assessment and rejection of the article.
Walmore, J.H & Costill, D.L. 1979. Physiology of Sport and Exercise. Campaign: Human Kunetic Publisher, Inc Setyobroto, S. 1993. Psikologi Kepelatihan. Jakarta: CV. Jaya Sakti
Articles in journals or magazines:
Brass, E.P & Hiatt, W.R. 1998. The Role of Carnitine Supplementation During Exercise in Man and in Individuals with Special Needs. Journal of The American College of Nutrition.17 (3): 207-215
Sukarmin, Y. 2010. Pemasaran Olahraga melalui Event Olahraga. Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Olahraga. 6 ( 2): 55-63
Bakri, B., Pudjirahaju, A. & Poedyasmoro. 2002. Analisis Konsumsi Energi Makan Pagi Dengan Tingkat Kelelahan dan Produktivitas Kerja pada Pekerja Wanitadi PT. Djagung Prima Kota Malang; Jawa Timur; Majalah Bina Diknakes. (43): 21-22
Articles in the newspaper:
Pitunov, B. 13 Desember 2007. Sekolah Unggulan ataukah Sekolah pengunggulan ? Majapahit Pos, hlm. 4 & 11
Newspaper / news in the newspaper (without author name):
Jawa Pos. 22 April 2008. Wanita Kelas Bawah Lebih Mandiri, hal.
Translation book:
Ary, D., Jacobs, L.C. & Razavieh, A. 1976. Pengantar Penelitian Pendidikan. Terjemahan oleh Arief Furchan. 1982. Surabaya: Usaha Nasional
Thesis, Thesis, Dissertation, Research Report:
Sairi, S.M. 2004. Hubungan Asupan Energi dengan Kebugaran Jasmani Peserta Senam Aerobik Wanita di Sanggar Senam Kota Medan. Tesis tidak dipublikasikan. Yogyakarta: Universitas Gadjah Mada
Seminar paper, workshop, upgrading:
Anie, K. 2002. Gizi Seimbang untuk Mencegah Hipertensi. Makalah disampaikan pada Seminar Hipertensi Senat Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran YARSI. Sabtu, 21 Desember 2002. Jakarta
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