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  • Global Journal Basic Education
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  • Global Journal Teaching Professional
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  • Global Science Education Journal
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  • Global Journal Education and Learning (GJEL)
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  • Global Journal Education Humanity
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  • Global Journal Education, Science and Technology (GJST)
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  • Global Journal Education (GJE)
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  • Global Journal of Edu Center (GELA)
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  • Global Journal Education and Technology
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  • Global Journal Science Edu (GJSE)
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  • Global Journal Education and Development (GJED)
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  • Global Journal Devotion : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
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  • KING : Knowledge Integrated Networking for Global Sport and Health
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  • Global Journal Technology (GJT)
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  • Global Journal Science IPA
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  • Global Journal Sports
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  • Global Journal Sport Science
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  • Global Journal Sains Mathematics (GJSM)
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  • Global Journal Sport and Education
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  • Journal of Sport Education, Coaching, and Health (JOCCA)
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  • Global Journal Sport Health
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  • Global Journal Sport Inovation Research
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  • Global Journal Music (GJM)
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  • Novelty: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Inovasi Pembelajaran Guru Profesional
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